Sunday, September 7, 2008


We have eye!!!!! Dr Fearon came by and taught Zack that if he pulled up and down on his right eye, he might be able to see. A warm washcloth later, and he got it open, and there is no turning back! His attitude did a 360...we have our Zack back! His comments have ranged from "I didn't know we had a clock in here." "Where's that door lead?" "Ah, nice" (when he saw the bathroom.)

He's got to get his hair washed and then we are outta here!

1 comment:

Jenny Etter said...

Tell Zack that cousin Amy is right. He is MUCH tuffer than she is. She never would have gotten on the plane to have the surgery. And let him know that I now believe that his scar is MUCH bigger than mine. Love you guys. Jen